Mint Now

Stoneymoo_gif nst art of stoneymoo nft art of stoneymoo


Nodeopoly NFT

Welcome to the Nodeopoly NFT Gen-0 Alpha group. Exclusive Alpha Group with the main goal of Passive Income. We have unique utility and roadmap will be revolutionising the space. With real hand drawn original artwork, many utilities and giveaways...including $60.000 / TESLA Giveaway (on reveal fairly done via VRF Chainlink contract - provably transparent) We have a huge roadmap that will take us far into the future.. This is the beginning of a brand not just a collection!

Mint Date

18th June 21:00 CEST

meet the Team

nft art of ylimes


( Project Lead )
(Dox Soon)

 nft art of veens

Shane Buckland



What is Nodeopoly NFT?

Nodeopoly NFT Gen-0 is an exclusive Alpha Group with the main focus of Passive Income. We are utility rich and feature real hand draw artwork. It is the beginning of a Brand not just a collection - with tonnes to come beginning post mint!

What Utility comes with the NFT?

So Granted after reveal and the Tesla is gone; we don’t want this to be the end, in fact this is not even the start. From supernode, UI NFT tools & an exclusive alpha App along with adapting with the time providing updated utilities moving in line with market demand... But the best bit of all... along with all this utility... multiple sources of passive income!

What are holder benefits?

Nodeopoly NFT Gen-0 is an exclusive Alpha Group (In near future will have its own Alpha App made. Only accessible with NFT, first to do anything of this kind!) Airdrops & Whitelists Supernode & NFT Tolls Metaverse / Blue chip purchases to credit to Bank vault (GEN-0 receives royalties) Multiple sources of passive income These are just some and are not limited too! Expect more ;)

What is Whitelist Sourcing ?

Whitelist Sourcing is where we secure exclusive collections for our holders, With numbers comes power, with Power comes possibilities, We will use the purchasing power of the Gen-0 Group to source some of the best and highest potential NFT projects to Whitelist for our exclusive group!

What is the Mint Information of NFT?

There will be only 990 x Items Mintable at 0.25E Reveal 48 hours after Sell out. 9 x Legendaries (including Tesla / other prizes) then fairly drawn via Chainlink transparent VRF smart contract and airdropped for free as additional items!

Nodemap - Roadmap